My Story

My name is Cynthia Banks and I am a Certified Professional Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant and a Certified DISC Consultant. Additionally, I have a Master of Science Degree in Training and Development. I specialize in coaching my clients to discover their vocation.

I would love to tell you that my decision to become a vocation coach was because of my successes, but that would be untrue.... it was actually because of my failures. I have known since early adulthood that God had a destiny planned for me, but I could never discover it.  After much prayer and introspection, I discovered my passion for coaching.

As your vocation coach, I want to walk beside you on your journey to becoming who you were created to be. My heart’s desire is that you discover your vocation in less time and with less struggle than I have.

My vocation is to help you discover yours. I am honored to assist you on your journey!

Our transformational life coaching helps you discover the work that you were planned and purposed to do.

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